4/9/20 Knox County COVID-19 Numbers

4/9/20 Knox County COVID-19 Numbers


Percent of Cases
Number of Positive Cases 152 100%
Number of *Recovered Cases 106 69.70%
(This number is included in the number of positive cases.)
Number of Active Cases 42 27.60%
(The number of positive cases, excluding the number of recovered cases.)
**Hospitalizations 19 12.50%
Deaths 4 2.60%


Percent of Cases
Male 79 52.00%
Female 71 46.70%
Sex Unknown 2 2.60%

Age Category:

Percent of Cases
0-10 4 2.60%
11-20 12 7.90%
21-30 31 20.40%
31-40 24 15.80%
41-50 22 14.50%
51-60 25 16.40%
61-70 16 10.50%
71-80 7 4.60%
81-90 7 4.60%
90+ 1 0.70%
Age Unknown 3 2.00%

*Recovered refers to released from isolation

**Information about hospitalization status is gathered at the time of diagnosis, therefore this information may be incomplete. This number indicates the number of patients that were ever hospitalized during their illness, it does not indicate the number of patients currently hospitalized.


COVID-19 Tests*
Positive 152
Negative (as of 4/7/2020) 2067
Total 2219
Data Source: National Electronic Disease Surveillance System Base System (NBS)


*The National Electronic Disease Surveillance System Base System (NBS) is a CDC-developed information system that helps public health departments manage reportable disease data and send data to CDC. The testing data referenced above is only comprised of Knox County residents and includes:

  • The number of people KCHD has collected specimens on, based on the consideration of being high-risk;
  • The number of people hospitals and health care providers have tested through the TDH State Lab, based on the consideration of being high-risk;
  • The number of people health care providers have tested through private labs that report through NBS.

The number above does not include every negative test in Knox County. Negative tests are not typically reported to public health for any notifiable disease; therefore, not all labs utilize the NBS system. Because this is not a part of the traditional reporting system, there may be a lag in the reporting of negative cases. Public health typically evaluates the burden of disease compared to the overall population, as you can see here in our last Community Health Assessment.


COVID-19 Cases, Hospitalizations and Deaths in Knox County

Population Total Cases Cases per 10k in Age Group Hospitalized Hospitalized Rate Deaths Death Rate
0-17 96,826 6 0.62 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
18-44 173,546 71 4.09 3 4.20% 0 0.00%
45-64 116,740 50 4.28 6 12.00% 1 2.00%
65-74 40,633 11 2.71 2 18.20% 0 0.00%
75+ 28,440 11 3.87 8 72.70% 3 27.30%
Females 234,518 71 3.03 6 8.50% 2 2.80%
Males 221,667 79 3.56 13 16.50% 2 2.50%
* The ages of three cases are unknown at this time and therefore not included in this table

COVID-19 Cumulative Case Counts per Day

Data Source: National Electronic Disease Surveillance System Base System (NBS), hospital reporting, laboratory reporting

Epidemiologic Curve by Illness Onset (N=147)*

* Data will be added as cases are interviewed and clear onset dates are established. In some cases, the onset date is the date the individual was tested. Not all cases have a clear onset date or have been interviewed.

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4/9/20 Knox County COVID-19 Numbers

4/9/20 Knox County COVID-19 Numbers


Percent of Cases
Number of Positive Cases 152 100%
Number of *Recovered Cases 106 69.70%
(This number is included in the number of positive cases.)
Number of Active Cases 42 27.60%
(The number of positive cases, excluding the number of recovered cases.)
**Hospitalizations 19 12.50%
Deaths 4 2.60%


Percent of Cases
Male 79 52.00%
Female 71 46.70%
Sex Unknown 2 2.60%

Age Category:

Percent of Cases
0-10 4 2.60%
11-20 12 7.90%
21-30 31 20.40%
31-40 24 15.80%
41-50 22 14.50%
51-60 25 16.40%
61-70 16 10.50%
71-80 7 4.60%
81-90 7 4.60%
90+ 1 0.70%
Age Unknown 3 2.00%

*Recovered refers to released from isolation

**Information about hospitalization status is gathered at the time of diagnosis, therefore this information may be incomplete. This number indicates the number of patients that were ever hospitalized during their illness, it does not indicate the number of patients currently hospitalized.


COVID-19 Tests*
Positive 152
Negative (as of 4/7/2020) 2067
Total 2219
Data Source: National Electronic Disease Surveillance System Base System (NBS)


*The National Electronic Disease Surveillance System Base System (NBS) is a CDC-developed information system that helps public health departments manage reportable disease data and send data to CDC. The testing data referenced above is only comprised of Knox County residents and includes:

  • The number of people KCHD has collected specimens on, based on the consideration of being high-risk;
  • The number of people hospitals and health care providers have tested through the TDH State Lab, based on the consideration of being high-risk;
  • The number of people health care providers have tested through private labs that report through NBS.

The number above does not include every negative test in Knox County. Negative tests are not typically reported to public health for any notifiable disease; therefore, not all labs utilize the NBS system. Because this is not a part of the traditional reporting system, there may be a lag in the reporting of negative cases. Public health typically evaluates the burden of disease compared to the overall population, as you can see here in our last Community Health Assessment.


COVID-19 Cases, Hospitalizations and Deaths in Knox County

Population Total Cases Cases per 10k in Age Group Hospitalized Hospitalized Rate Deaths Death Rate
0-17 96,826 6 0.62 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
18-44 173,546 71 4.09 3 4.20% 0 0.00%
45-64 116,740 50 4.28 6 12.00% 1 2.00%
65-74 40,633 11 2.71 2 18.20% 0 0.00%
75+ 28,440 11 3.87 8 72.70% 3 27.30%
Females 234,518 71 3.03 6 8.50% 2 2.80%
Males 221,667 79 3.56 13 16.50% 2 2.50%
* The ages of three cases are unknown at this time and therefore not included in this table

COVID-19 Cumulative Case Counts per Day

Data Source: National Electronic Disease Surveillance System Base System (NBS), hospital reporting, laboratory reporting

Epidemiologic Curve by Illness Onset (N=147)*

* Data will be added as cases are interviewed and clear onset dates are established. In some cases, the onset date is the date the individual was tested. Not all cases have a clear onset date or have been interviewed.