BIRMINGHAM, Alabama (June 3, 2021) – The Southeastern Conference announced it will allow immediate eligibility for intraconference transfers following a vote today by the SEC’s Presidents and Chancellors.
The change in policy, which takes effect immediately, will better align with NCAA legislation adopted in April 2021 that established a universal one-time transfer opportunity applicable to student-athletes across all sports.
As a result of the SEC’s new policy, student-athletes who transfer directly within the Conference will no longer be required to serve an automatic year in residence at their new school before being eligible for competition.
“This is an important measure to further support student-athletes throughout the Southeastern Conference,” said SEC Commissioner Greg Sankey. “While maintaining the expectation that coaches and others avoid improper recruiting, this change will ensure that student-athletes who enroll at an SEC member institution will enjoy the flexibility afforded to other student-athletes across the nation.”
In order to gain immediate eligibility, a student-athlete will need to declare his or her intent to transfer by February 1 for Fall sports, May 1 for Winter sports and July 1 for Spring sports. NCAA rules include similar deadlines except the NCAA deadline for Fall sports is May 1.
“The SEC has established a deadline for declaring an intention to transfer in Fall sports as February 1 in order to create time windows that are more consistent across Fall, Winter and Spring sports,” Sankey said.
In other action, the SEC Presidents and Chancellors approved the following proposals:
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Initiatives – To encourage, facilitate and assist member institutions in attracting and hiring historically underrepresented minorities in the leadership of their athletics departments, particularly in the roles of athletics director, head coach, and senior woman administrator (SWA) and in positions that typically lead to employment in the positions of athletics director, head coach, and SWA. (Establishes SEC Bylaw 23)
Restriction Against Participating in Distribution of Conference Funds due to Postseason Ban in Basketball or Football – To clarify and simplify an existing bylaw to specify that an institution receiving a postseason ban in basketball or football from the NCAA or the Conference shall be limited to only 50% of the Conference’s revenue distribution derived from postseason revenue in the affected sport. Further, to establish that if the institution receives a second postseason ban in either basketball or football during the ensuing five-year period that the institution shall forfeit 100% of the Conference’s revenue distribution derived from postseason revenue in the affected sport during the period of the ban. (Amends SEC Bylaw 31.26)
Extended Training Trips During Christmas Break – Sports other than Football, Basketball, and Women’s Rowing – To eliminate the Conference prohibition on extended training trips during an institution’s Christmas holiday break in sports other than football, basketball, and women’s rowing. (Amends SEC Bylaw 17.1.9)
Nontraditional Courses from Another Institution – To specify that a current student-athlete may not use more than nine semester hours of nontraditional course work from another institution within an academic year to fulfill academic progress eligibility requirements. (Amends SEC Bylaw 14.4.10)
Two-Year Eligibility – To eliminate all provisions of the two-year eligibility rule. (Eliminates SEC Bylaw 14.1.15)
Two-Year College Transfers – Nonqualifiers – To specify that a nonqualifier who initially enrolls at a two-year college prior to transferring to a member institution (i.e., 2-4 transfer) who does not meet Conference transfer requirements may be eligible for practice and athletically related financial aid, but may not be eligible for competition, during the individual’s initial academic year in residence. (Amends SEC Bylaw
Four-Year College Transfers – Nonqualifiers – To specify that a nonqualifier who initially enrolls at another four-year institution prior to transferring to a member institution (i.e., 4-4 transfer) who does not meet Conference transfer requirements may be eligible for practice and athletically related financial aid, but may not be eligible for competition, during the individual’s initial academic year in residence. (Amends SEC Bylaw