An Investigating is On-Going and a KCSO Officer is on Leave Following a DUI Arrest

An Investigating is On-Going and a KCSO Officer is on Leave Following a DUI Arrest

The Knox County Sheriff’s Office is investigating after one of their officers is arrested for DUI by the Knoxville Police Department.

Officer Sean McElyea has been placed on administrative leave with pay while an internal investigation is conducted into his arrest Saturday. Officer McElyea is assigned to KCSO’s juvenile transportation division.

Sheriff Tom Spangler’s statement on Officer’s arrest:

“ I always try to instill in our officers that we must hold ourselves accountable and to a higher standard. When I learned of Officer McElyea being arrested for DUI after a single vehicle accident, I was highly disappointed. 

We have a process for misconduct through the Merit System council, which includes due process. 

I want to be clear that we expect our employees to obey the laws just as any citizen is expected to and our policies and procedures. Any conduct unbecoming will be dealt with according to our policies, procedures, and the laws of the state of Tennessee.”

– Tom Spangler, Sheriff 

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An Investigating is On-Going and a KCSO Officer is on Leave Following a DUI Arrest

An Investigating is On-Going and a KCSO Officer is on Leave Following a DUI Arrest

The Knox County Sheriff’s Office is investigating after one of their officers is arrested for DUI by the Knoxville Police Department.

Officer Sean McElyea has been placed on administrative leave with pay while an internal investigation is conducted into his arrest Saturday. Officer McElyea is assigned to KCSO’s juvenile transportation division.

Sheriff Tom Spangler’s statement on Officer’s arrest:

“ I always try to instill in our officers that we must hold ourselves accountable and to a higher standard. When I learned of Officer McElyea being arrested for DUI after a single vehicle accident, I was highly disappointed. 

We have a process for misconduct through the Merit System council, which includes due process. 

I want to be clear that we expect our employees to obey the laws just as any citizen is expected to and our policies and procedures. Any conduct unbecoming will be dealt with according to our policies, procedures, and the laws of the state of Tennessee.”

– Tom Spangler, Sheriff