Special Education Task Force Will Recommend Improvements to Knox County School Board

Special Education Task Force Will Recommend Improvements to Knox County School Board

Last month, Superintendent Dr. Jon Rysewyk announced his intent to form a Special Education Task Force to recommend improvements in special education services, interventions, and supports.

Dr. Rysewyk is pleased to share that the following individuals have agreed to serve on the Special Education Task Force:

  • Cary Byrge, Region 5 parent
  • Lauren Cordova, Region 4 parent
  • William Edwards, Region 1 parent
  • Sandy Hensley, Region 4 parent
  • Patricia Lawson, Region 5 parent
  • Mandy Marcotte, Region 2 parent
  • Bryan Moore, Region 2 parent
  • Cortney Piper, Region 1 parent
  • Mattie Trimble, Region 3 parent
  • Lora Williams, 2022 KCS Teacher of the Year (Region 3)

The Special Education Task Force has been charged with identifying meaningful and actionable recommendations for KCS and the Knox County Board of Education to improve special education services and supports for students and families. The task force will hold its first meeting in May and will continue to meet through the summer with the intent of providing a formal presentation of its findings to KCS and the Board in August.

Meetings will be closed to the public to protect potentially sensitive conversations regarding specific student and family experiences, but all findings and recommendations made by the task force will be presented publicly.

Task Force members have been selected to represent a wide range of perspectives that span grade bands, regions, and experiences with special education services. Dr. Rysewyk is grateful to the members of the Knox County community who have agreed to serve on the Special Education Task Force and looks forward to hearing their recommendations in August.

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