Yee-Haw brewing is one of Knoxville’s busiest bars and now a certified Safe Bar.
The Safe Bar certification offers businesses the opportunity to train employees how to spot and treat possible sexual assault. It’s a two-hour training and costs the business nothing to have the Health Department come and perform Safe Bar training.
Charles Ellis manager of Yee Haw Brewing says he’s happy his business is part of the program.
The Knox County Health Department say statistics show that in over 50% of sexual assaults that alcohol is involved.
WVLT reporting there are now 14 Knox County Safe Bar certified bars:
Barrelhouse at Gypsy Circus
Knox Brew Hub
The Oliver
Fountain City Social
Jig and Reel
Urban Bar
Craft Axe
Knox Box Karaoke
Orange Hat
The Hill Bar & Grill
Frog Juice
Yee-Haw Brewing Company