A Budget Compromise Between Knox County Mayor and Sheriff will Increase Patrol and Correction Officer Pay more than Mayor’s Proposed 8% Increase

A Budget Compromise Between Knox County Mayor and Sheriff will Increase Patrol and Correction Officer Pay more than Mayor’s Proposed 8% Increase

Knox County Mayor Glenn Jacobs and Sheriff Tom Spangler reach a budget compromise which will see Patrol officers pay increase to $51,100, making them the fourth-highest in pay in East Tennessee and Corrections officers to $50,100 making them the second-highest in pay in East Tennessee. This means starting Patrol Officers will be making 30% higher salaries than the state average and Corrections Officers will be making 48% more than the state average.

These proposed increases will go into effect July 1st if passed by County Commission and does not include a tax increase. KCSO will have to cut 29 unfilled corrections positions and pension pay will be capped at three percent. Tax payers are not expected see an increase in taxes.

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A Budget Compromise Between Knox County Mayor and Sheriff will Increase Patrol and Correction Officer Pay more than Mayor’s Proposed 8% Increase

A Budget Compromise Between Knox County Mayor and Sheriff will Increase Patrol and Correction Officer Pay more than Mayor’s Proposed 8% Increase

Knox County Mayor Glenn Jacobs and Sheriff Tom Spangler reach a budget compromise which will see Patrol officers pay increase to $51,100, making them the fourth-highest in pay in East Tennessee and Corrections officers to $50,100 making them the second-highest in pay in East Tennessee. This means starting Patrol Officers will be making 30% higher salaries than the state average and Corrections Officers will be making 48% more than the state average.

These proposed increases will go into effect July 1st if passed by County Commission and does not include a tax increase. KCSO will have to cut 29 unfilled corrections positions and pension pay will be capped at three percent. Tax payers are not expected see an increase in taxes.