TDOT with an Announcement Regarding Help for the Labor Day Holiday Travel Period

TDOT with an Announcement Regarding Help for the Labor Day Holiday Travel Period

The Tennessee Department of Transportation will halt all lane closure activity on interstates and state highways for the Labor Day holiday travel period.

Construction crews will stop all lane closure activity at noon on Friday until 6:00 a.m. on September 5th. This will provide maximum roadway capacity for motorists traveling during the Labor Day holiday.

While lane closure activity will be stopped, workers will still be on-site in many construction zones and drivers are urged to obey posted speed limits.

Drivers convicted of speeding in work zones where workers are present face a fine of $250 to $500, plus court fees and possibly increased insurance premiums.

Get the latest construction activity and live streaming SmartWay traffic cameras from your desktop or mobile device at Travelers can also dial 511 for statewide travel information. As always, drivers are reminded to use all motorist information tools wisely and Know Before You Go! by checking travel conditions before leaving for your destination.  Drivers should never tweet, text, or talk on a cell phone while behind the wheel.

Country News


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