TDOT: Road Construction Expected to Cause Temporary Traffic Delays on Alcoa Highway

Road construction sign (Courtesy: WVLT / WSAW)

TDOT: Road Construction Expected to Cause Temporary Traffic Delays on Alcoa Highway

Road construction sign (Courtesy: WVLT / WSAW)

Knoxville, TN (WOKI) If you travel Alcoa Highway (US 129/State Route 115), plan for delays starting after Labor Day.

The Tennessee Department of Transportation (TDOT) warns that construction is scheduled to take place on Alcoa Highway beginning at 9 a.m. on Tuesday, September 5 with road closures expected until 3:00 p.m., every day, through Friday, September 8.

Upcoming construction will impact traffic in both directions on the highway as shoulder closures will create delays between Woodson Drive and Cherokee Trail while crews work.

The current construction schedule is completely contingent upon favorable weather conditions.

TDOT also alerts motorists to prepare for traffic pacing operations during daytime hours to allow crews to move equipment and perform various tasks.

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