KPD Receives Final Report from 21CP Departmental Assessment

KPD Receives Final Report from 21CP Departmental Assessment

The Knoxville Police Department has received the final report from the departmental assessment that was conducted by 21CP Solutions.

As part of the wide-ranging departmental assessment, 21CP Solutions provided in-depth policy and procedural recommendations in seven core areas – use of force; stops, searches and arrests; vehicle pursuits; impartial policing; vehicle pursuits; response to vulnerable individuals; staffing and deployment; and training. 

The assessment started in earnest in early August with a three-day, on-site visit.

“This assessment will be fundamental to our long-term goal of implementing nationwide, research-backed best practices,” Chief of Police Paul Noel said. “The final report will serve as a strategic roadmap for our leadership team as we move into the future, revamp our policies and procedures, and work towards delivering the best service possible.”

“I appreciate 21CP Solutions bringing fresh eyes and national expertise to a top-to-bottom comprehensive assessment of KPD’s policies and practices,” Mayor Indya Kincannon said.

“It was imperative to me and to Chief Noel that the City seek an outside review as part of our commitment to research-driven national best practices. I commend Chief Noel and KPD on their open-mindedness and proactive, progressive approach to updating KPD’s policies.”

For the department assessment, 21CP consultants evaluated existing policies and standard operation procedures, analyzed departmental data, and conducted a wide swath of interviews, focus groups and one-on-one conversations with over 100 current KPD employees. Those discussions were all voluntary and confidential to ensure candidness.

“21CP Solutions is often asked to conduct an assessment of a police department after it has experienced a critical incident – an officer-involved shooting, significant officer misconduct, fall-out from policing a protest, and others,” said Nola Joyce, 21CP Solutions partner and principal consultant. “It is very unusual for a chief of police to pursue an assessment of their department, let alone to making the results public and committing to work toward implementing the recommended changes. Knoxville should be proud of the courage and foresight of Chief Noel and their police department.”

The group of 21CP consultants consisted of former police executives and subject-matter experts in a range of contemporary law enforcement issues, including constitutional policing. 

“As a Command Staff, we are deep in the process of evaluating 21CP’s recommendations,” Chief Noel said. “We will assess each recommendation individually to determine how they support our values an organization and the culture that we are working to build at the Knoxville Police Department. That process will include not only the Command Staff, but other stakeholders across supervisory ranks.”

The final report can be at–21CP%20Solutions–November%202023.pdf?McasCtx=4&McasTsid=20893.  

This past week, KPD continued its partnership with 21CP with a two-day strategic planning session. Numerous members of the department across all ranks participated in the session, which was conducted to develop concrete goals that the KPD wants to achieve.

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