Young-Williams Animal Center Waiving Dog Adoption Fees at Newly-Reopened Location

Young-Williams Animal Center waiving dog adoption fees at newly-reopened location. (Pexels)

Young-Williams Animal Center Waiving Dog Adoption Fees at Newly-Reopened Location

Knoxville, TN (WOKI) Young-Williams Animal Center is waiving dog and puppy adoption fees at its Division Street location as it reopens following an breakout of distemper.

The center reopened its doors today (Monday) to animal adoptions after being closed for almost a week in order for Young-Williams caregivers to keep pets and prospective pets away from each other and healthy.

“With a full shelter, it is critical to keep placing currently healthy animals – including those who have not been exposed or have been vaccinated against distemper – into homes in order to continue to control the animal populations, decrease the spread of disease and make space for those in need,” YWAC representatives said.

The Division Street location and Young-Williams Village location, located on Kingston Pike, are open from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., with animal quiet time slated for 1 p.m. to 2 p.m.

Country News


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