Applications Now Open for Free and Reduced-Price Meals for Knox County Schools

Knox County Schools announced applications are now open for students to receive free and reduced-price meals for the 2024-2025 school year.

Applications Now Open for Free and Reduced-Price Meals for Knox County Schools

Knoxville, Tn (WOKI) Knox County Schools says applications are now open for students to receive free and reduced-price meals for the 2024-2025 school year.

KCS says the application is open for families unable to pay for breakfast and lunch meals at school or whose students do not attend a Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) school.

All children in households receiving benefits from SNAP or Families First can get free meals regardless of their income.  Children whose household’s gross income is within the free limits per the Federal Income Eligibility Guidelines can also get free meals.

Officials stress that the application for free and reduced-price meals must be filled out annually.

You may click Please go to knox schools dot org forward slash meals to apply.

to apply. Anyone needing additional information is asked to call the Knox County Schools Nutrition Department at 865-594-9563.

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