KNOXVILLE – Motorists traveling on Alcoa Highway (US 129/State Route 115) southbound and West Topside Road in Knox County should be aware of upcoming road construction activities that will have a temporary impact on traffic.
Beginning on Monday, July 22, the connection between Alcoa Highway (US 129/State Route 115) southbound and West Topside Road will be temporarily closed. This closure will be in place 24/7 and is necessary to allow the contractor to have a safe working space to construct the proposed pedestrian tunnel beneath West Topside Road.
This method of installing a precast pedestrian tunnel will limit the overall length of time that West Topside Road will be closed in comparison to traditional construction methods of cast in place. This alternative method of construction will minimize impacts to traffic while construction takes place.
During this closure, traffic will be temporarily detoured for this phase of construction. These traffic patterns are expected to be in place for approximately two weeks.
To access West Topside Road from Alcoa Highway southbound, traffic will be detoured by exiting Alcoa Highway southbound at the John Sevier Highway (State Route 168) interchange. Traffic will then take John Sevier Highway to Maryville Pike and then onto West Topside Road.
To access Alcoa Highway southbound from West Topside Road, traffic will be detoured by taking Alcoa Highway northbound to the John Sevier Highway (State Route 168) interchange. Motorists will then access Alcoa Highway southbound at the John Sevier Highway interchange.
As always, drivers are reminded to use all motorist information tools wisely and “Know Before You Go!” by checking travel conditions before leaving for your destination. Drivers should never tweet, text, or talk on a cell phone while behind the wheel.