Couple who Volunteered for Anderson County Rescue Squad are Indicted for Multiple Counts of Theft
Courtesy of WVLT

Couple who Volunteered for Anderson County Rescue Squad are Indicted for Multiple Counts of Theft

The Tennessee Comptroller’s Office says an investigation has resulted in a couple being indicted for theft from the Anderson County Rescue Squad.

Alex and Jessica Ridenour served as volunteers for the rescue squad until they resigned in May 2022.

While serving as volunteers, investigators determined they stole rescue squad funds totaling almost $40,000 between May 2021 and April 2022.

They also wrote 17 unauthorized checks from the rescue squad bank account to Jessica totaling over $35,000 and five unauthorized checks to Alex totaling $4,300.

They were indicted on multiple counts including theft of property, forgery and conspiracy to commit theft of property over $10,000.

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Couple who Volunteered for Anderson County Rescue Squad are Indicted for Multiple Counts of Theft
Courtesy of WVLT

Couple who Volunteered for Anderson County Rescue Squad are Indicted for Multiple Counts of Theft

The Tennessee Comptroller’s Office says an investigation has resulted in a couple being indicted for theft from the Anderson County Rescue Squad.

Alex and Jessica Ridenour served as volunteers for the rescue squad until they resigned in May 2022.

While serving as volunteers, investigators determined they stole rescue squad funds totaling almost $40,000 between May 2021 and April 2022.

They also wrote 17 unauthorized checks from the rescue squad bank account to Jessica totaling over $35,000 and five unauthorized checks to Alex totaling $4,300.

They were indicted on multiple counts including theft of property, forgery and conspiracy to commit theft of property over $10,000.