Two Juveniles are in Custody in McMinn County After a Parent Called Police after Finding Disturbing Video Involving a Threat Against a School

Two Juveniles are in Custody in McMinn County After a Parent Called Police after Finding Disturbing Video Involving a Threat Against a School

Two juveniles are charged after a “possible planned attack” on McMinn County High School students.

McMinn County Sheriff Joe Guy says he received a phone call from a parent of one of the juveniles Thursday night after finding something disturbing, a video made in November by his son and another student that implied their planning of a “school-shooting type attack” and naming certain students as possible targets.

Guy immediately notified the School Safety Supervisor, the school’s SRO and their local Homeland Security Agent.

The students were suspended from school Friday and more evidence was found on the student’s phones.

As of yesterday (Sunday), both juveniles have been charged with conspiracy to commit acts of terrorism and are underdoing psychological evaluations and counseling.

One is already in custody and the other is completing treatment at a mental health facility and will be transferred to the juvenile detention center upon completion.

Country News


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