Knoxville Police say they have been made aware of recent scam attempts in which scam callers are claiming to be Knox County Court representatives.
In this particular scheme, the scam caller claims that the individual receiving the call missed a summons for jury duty and as a result a bench warrant was issued. The scammer goes on to say that the arrest warrant will be canceled if the victim pays a fine.
This is a scam that deploys commonly-used tactics. Scam callers often attempt to present themselves as a person of authority and pose a threat, such as jail, that the victim can make go away by providing money or personal information. Scammers also traditionally attempt to pressure the individuals who receive these calls into making quick, irrational decisions.
Do not fall victim to these tactics. Never provide money or sensitive information to unverified sources. If you receive a call that feels suspicious, do not immediately act on the demands of the caller, simply hang up and try to verify the legitimacy of the call.
If you receive a suspected scam call, report it to the KPD at 865-215-7268 and the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) here: