THP: 63-Year-Old Injured, Facing Charges after Crashing Dump Truck into Vehicles in Jefferson Co.

According to the Tennessee Highway Patrol, the driver was charged with driving without a license and failing to obey a traffic control device. (Courtesy: WVLT / WSMV)

THP: 63-Year-Old Injured, Facing Charges after Crashing Dump Truck into Vehicles in Jefferson Co.

Jefferson County, TN (WOKI) A dump truck driver is facing charges after blowing through a stop sign and crashing into a construction vehicle Friday morning on Highway 411 near the Chestnut Hill area of Jefferson County.

Officials with the Tennessee Highway Patrol say 63-year-old Christopher Moore was traveling southbound on 411 near State Highway 92 just after 7:00 a.m. when he failed to stop at a stop sign, crossed State Highway 92 and went through a road construction barrier into a construction zone, crashing into the front end of a road grader.

Moore was injured in the crash and taken by helicopter to the hospital.

He is facing charges including driving without a license and failure to obey a traffic control device.

According to the Tennessee Highway Patrol, the driver was charged with driving without a license and failing to obey a traffic control device. (Courtesy: WVLT / WSMV)

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