Medic Has a Critical Need for O- Blood Donors and Have Several Events Throughout December

Medic Has a Critical Need for O- Blood Donors and Have Several Events Throughout December

MEDIC Regional Blood Center is celebrating the Holiday Season as Blood Product Demand Increases.

Right now, medic has a critical need for O negative donors who will receive a $15 e-gift card if they donate before December 15th.

Other promotions in December include Ober Passes from the 18th – 23rd, while supplies last and that $15 e-gift care will be made available to all donors from the 26th to the 31st.

Also, through the 15th donors can choose to take a beanie or skip it and a $5 donation will be made to East TN Children’s Hospital.

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Medic Has a Critical Need for O- Blood Donors and Have Several Events Throughout December

Medic Has a Critical Need for O- Blood Donors and Have Several Events Throughout December

MEDIC Regional Blood Center is celebrating the Holiday Season as Blood Product Demand Increases.

Right now, medic has a critical need for O negative donors who will receive a $15 e-gift card if they donate before December 15th.

Other promotions in December include Ober Passes from the 18th – 23rd, while supplies last and that $15 e-gift care will be made available to all donors from the 26th to the 31st.

Also, through the 15th donors can choose to take a beanie or skip it and a $5 donation will be made to East TN Children’s Hospital.