Deadline to Register to Vote in Knox County Primary Election and Presidential Preference Primary is Next Week

Deadline to Register to Vote in Knox County Primary Election and Presidential Preference Primary is Next Week

Important Dates, Deadlines, and Frequently Asked Questions from the Knox County Election Commission


The deadline to register to vote for the upcoming March 5, 2024 Presidential Preference Primary & Knox County Primary election is Monday, February 5, 2024. Voters can register:

As of Sunday, January 28, 2024, Knox County has 299,269 registered voters.                             


In preparation for the 2024 Presidential Preference & Knox County Primary, the Election Commission will conduct a required voting machine test on Wednesday, January 31, 2024 at 8:30 am at its Downtown West training and early voting location. The test is two to three hours in duration. Candidates, press, and the public are invited to attend.


Candidates for local offices have campaign financial disclosures (CFD) due on the following dates:

  • Year-end CFD Wednesday, January 31, 2024 (covering the period July 1, 2023 to January 15, 2024)
  • Pre-Primary CFD  Tuesday, February 27, 2024 (covering the period January 16 to February 24, 2024)

These reports will be posted upon receipt by the Election Commission at:  


Q:         I want to change my party registration from one party to another or from a party to Independent. How do I do that?

A:         Voters in Tennessee DO NOT register by political party. Some states do register by party; Tennessee does not.

Q:         I need to request a voter registration card – I was told I can’t vote, or I thought I can’t vote without it.

A:         Actually, while we are happy to issue you a new voter registration card, you DO NOT NEED IT TO VOTE. A registered voter only needs a photo identification issued by the State of Tennessee (such as a driver’s license) or the federal government (such as a passport). The acceptable photo ID can be expired.

Q:         I think I am already registered in Knox County – how can I find out for sure?

A:         Visit and click on the Am I registered to vote? box on the home page.

Q:         If I am registered to vote in my current county, do I need to register before every election?

A:         No, registration is permanent in Tennessee, unless your voter registration is purged pursuant to Tennessee law. Examples of why an individual might be purged include:

  • Death of the voter
  • A felony conviction of the voter
  • A voter moves out of Knox County and registers in another county/state.

Q:         If I am registered in another county in Tennessee, do I need to register in Knox County?

A:         Yes. Registration in Tennessee is based on the county of residency.

Q:         What do I do at the polling place when I go to vote?

A:         When a voter enters the polling place, they will have to provide their photo ID to the registrar and confirm that they are a registered voter based on the information the Election Commission has on file. The voter will verify their name and address and will affirm that they are a registered and qualified voter in the precinct based on their residential address.

To obtain the ballot, our registrar will ask the voter “In which primary do you wish to vote?” The voter will respond and, after signing the application for ballot, will be forwarded to the ballot table where the correct paper ballot will be issued to the voter in exchange for the application for ballot.

The voter will proceed to a private booth/table to complete the ballot with a black or blue ink pen, and then will proceed to the ballot scanner to scan the ballot. After the voter scans the ballot, they are done.

Q:         I don’t want to vote in a primary. I feel as though I am being disenfranchised.

A:         The Election Commission, per the Knox County Charter and Tennessee law, conducts the primary elections for the political parties. As a voter, if you wish to not vote in a primary, you will have an opportunity to vote in the Knox County General Election on Thursday, August 1, 2024 and/or the State & Federal General Election (Presidential) on Tuesday, November 5, 2024.

Q:         I don’t want people to know how I vote; that is none of their business.

A:         The Election Commission does not know how anyone cast a ballot or who someone voted for; however, a voter’s voting history, including the elections in which a person has voted and the primary if a voter selects a primary, are all public record.

For more information on elections, visit the Election Commission at or call 865-215-2480.


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Country News

Deadline to Register to Vote in Knox County Primary Election and Presidential Preference Primary is Next Week

Deadline to Register to Vote in Knox County Primary Election and Presidential Preference Primary is Next Week

Important Dates, Deadlines, and Frequently Asked Questions from the Knox County Election Commission


The deadline to register to vote for the upcoming March 5, 2024 Presidential Preference Primary & Knox County Primary election is Monday, February 5, 2024. Voters can register:

As of Sunday, January 28, 2024, Knox County has 299,269 registered voters.                             


In preparation for the 2024 Presidential Preference & Knox County Primary, the Election Commission will conduct a required voting machine test on Wednesday, January 31, 2024 at 8:30 am at its Downtown West training and early voting location. The test is two to three hours in duration. Candidates, press, and the public are invited to attend.


Candidates for local offices have campaign financial disclosures (CFD) due on the following dates:

  • Year-end CFD Wednesday, January 31, 2024 (covering the period July 1, 2023 to January 15, 2024)
  • Pre-Primary CFD  Tuesday, February 27, 2024 (covering the period January 16 to February 24, 2024)

These reports will be posted upon receipt by the Election Commission at:  


Q:         I want to change my party registration from one party to another or from a party to Independent. How do I do that?

A:         Voters in Tennessee DO NOT register by political party. Some states do register by party; Tennessee does not.

Q:         I need to request a voter registration card – I was told I can’t vote, or I thought I can’t vote without it.

A:         Actually, while we are happy to issue you a new voter registration card, you DO NOT NEED IT TO VOTE. A registered voter only needs a photo identification issued by the State of Tennessee (such as a driver’s license) or the federal government (such as a passport). The acceptable photo ID can be expired.

Q:         I think I am already registered in Knox County – how can I find out for sure?

A:         Visit and click on the Am I registered to vote? box on the home page.

Q:         If I am registered to vote in my current county, do I need to register before every election?

A:         No, registration is permanent in Tennessee, unless your voter registration is purged pursuant to Tennessee law. Examples of why an individual might be purged include:

  • Death of the voter
  • A felony conviction of the voter
  • A voter moves out of Knox County and registers in another county/state.

Q:         If I am registered in another county in Tennessee, do I need to register in Knox County?

A:         Yes. Registration in Tennessee is based on the county of residency.

Q:         What do I do at the polling place when I go to vote?

A:         When a voter enters the polling place, they will have to provide their photo ID to the registrar and confirm that they are a registered voter based on the information the Election Commission has on file. The voter will verify their name and address and will affirm that they are a registered and qualified voter in the precinct based on their residential address.

To obtain the ballot, our registrar will ask the voter “In which primary do you wish to vote?” The voter will respond and, after signing the application for ballot, will be forwarded to the ballot table where the correct paper ballot will be issued to the voter in exchange for the application for ballot.

The voter will proceed to a private booth/table to complete the ballot with a black or blue ink pen, and then will proceed to the ballot scanner to scan the ballot. After the voter scans the ballot, they are done.

Q:         I don’t want to vote in a primary. I feel as though I am being disenfranchised.

A:         The Election Commission, per the Knox County Charter and Tennessee law, conducts the primary elections for the political parties. As a voter, if you wish to not vote in a primary, you will have an opportunity to vote in the Knox County General Election on Thursday, August 1, 2024 and/or the State & Federal General Election (Presidential) on Tuesday, November 5, 2024.

Q:         I don’t want people to know how I vote; that is none of their business.

A:         The Election Commission does not know how anyone cast a ballot or who someone voted for; however, a voter’s voting history, including the elections in which a person has voted and the primary if a voter selects a primary, are all public record.

For more information on elections, visit the Election Commission at or call 865-215-2480.