Category Archives: Local News Reel 2

TBI Releases Age-Enhanced Photo in the Continuing Search for Summer Wells

TBI Releases Age-Enhanced Photo in the Continuing Search for Summer Wells

Hawkins County, TN (WOKI) Two years after her disappearance, a newly released forensic photo is keeping the search for a missing Hawkins County child alive. Five-year-old Summer Wells was first reported missing from her family’s home in the Beech Creek community on June 15, 2021. Now, with the help of forensic artists at the National…MORE

Multiple Bear Sightings in West Knoxville

Multiple Bear Sightings in West Knoxville

Knoxville Police say they’ve been getting calls about multiple bear sightings in West Knoxville . A bear was spotted by Trader Joe’s yesterday and KPD says they have also received bear sightings calls in the Papermill Drive area near Westlyn Drive. A bear was also spotted by Downtown West Boulevard near Dental Images. TWRA says…MORE

A Man is Arrested and Charged with Vandalism of a Church

A Man is Arrested and Charged with Vandalism of a Church

A Knoxville man is accused of vandalizing Dutch Valley Baptist Church. The vandalism reportedly took place early Sunday morning after an employee, who was sleeping at the church heard a noise. Police identified the suspect as Troy Luttrel who reportedly trying to pry open the church’s front doors and was seen beating on the church’s…MORE

Sneedville Man Indicted, Accused of Threatening Public Officials

Sneedville Man Indicted, Accused of Threatening Public Officials

Hancock County, TN (WOKI) A months-long inquiry by the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation results in the indictment Monday, June 12 of a Sneedville man for threatening public officials. TBI officials say special agents began looking into allegations involving 46-year-old Marty Rouse back in January. They determined that Rouse made statements threatening to harm Hancock County…MORE

TWRA Identifies Drowning Victim on Ft. Loudon Lake

TWRA Identifies Drowning Victim on Ft. Loudon Lake

The Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency has identified the victim of a drowning in Ft. Loudon Lake. They say 22 year-old Charles Egbuniwe was swimming from a boat toward shore and went under and never re-surfaced Saturday. Witnesses showed Knox County Rescue Squad searchers where he went under and his body was found by using sonar…MORE

BCSO Searching for Man Who Cut Off Ankle Monitor

BCSO Searching for Man Who Cut Off Ankle Monitor

Deputies with the Blount County Sheriff’s Office are searching for a man who cut off his ankle monitor Friday, June 9. BCSO says 49-year-old Robert Wayne Jennings was on probation for multiple felony burglaries and thefts. He left his home on Grey Ridge Road in Maryville after cutting off his monitor. Anyone with information on…MORE

Tennessee Department of Education Releases 3rd Grade TCAP Re-take Data

Tennessee Department of Education Releases 3rd Grade TCAP Re-take Data

the Tennessee Department of Education released district-level data on the TCAP retake opportunity, one of the pathways to promotion for third grade students who may benefit from extra learning supports. The data, accessible at, and includes district-level percentages of third grade students who were eligible to take the retake, who participated in the TCAP…MORE

A UT Lacrosse Player is Identified as the Victim of a Fatal Motorcycle Accident

A UT Lacrosse Player is Identified as the Victim of a Fatal Motorcycle Accident

The victim of a fatal motorcycle accident on Chapman Highway is identified as a player on the UT Lacrosse team. Knoxville Police say 19-year-old Michael Fulcher died following a motorcycle accident on Chapman Highway Sunday night when he crossed into the on-coming traffic lane and hit an SUV head-on. That SUV then hit another vehicle.…MORE

Knoxville Police Investigate Fatal Crash on Magnolia Avenue UPDATE

Knoxville Police Investigate Fatal Crash on Magnolia Avenue UPDATE

Knoxville, TN (WOKI) UPDATE: Knoxville Police have identified the victim of Tuesday’s deadly car crash in East Knoxville. Police say 56-year-old Kevin Owens’ vehicle crossed into oncoming traffic and hit a traffic pole around 7:00 p.m. at Magnolia Avenue and Beal Bourne Street. Owens was pronounced dead at the scene. An eastbound lane of Magnolia…MORE

TWRA Still Investigating the 12th Boating Fatality This Year and Identifies the Victim

TWRA Still Investigating the 12th Boating Fatality This Year and Identifies the Victim

The Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency is still investigating a fatal boating accident on Norris Lake and has identified the victim in Sunday night’s accident. 59 year-old John Curley Jr. of Knoxville died when the personal watercraft he was operating collided with a 25-foot cuddy cabin style boat near Black Fox Access Area in Grainger County.…MORE


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