sponsored by KARM Stores…donate, shop and volunteer!
Listen for your chance to win Free Money!
Listen Monday through Friday during the 9:00AM, 11:00AM, 2:00pm, 4:00PM and 6:00PM hours
When you hear the Hi-Lo Jackpot cue-to-call, be the seventh caller at 656-WIVK (9485).
If you can tell us how much money is in the jackpot, we’ll show you the money!
And just to make it easier to win, we’ll tell you if you’re too high or too low.
Here’s a hint: no jackpot is less than $1,000!
On Thursdays, WIVK Country Club Members get a secret key word for a second guess at the jackpot.
Sponsored by KARM Stores. Donate. Shop. Volunteer.
There’s only one Free Money Station – 107.7 WIVK!